What's New At Our Spa
Deep Cleansing and Exfoliating
Diamond Water Microdermabrasion and Jet Peel
Amazing blackhead/whitehead removal system
Electrolized water and spray infusion system with collagen bring moisture while replenishing oxygen into the skin
Radio Frequency Technology stimulates collagen and elastin production, to tighten, tone and sculpt face
Deep penetration of Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid and
Botanical Mask using Ultrasonic Technology
infuses skin with Vitamins and Nutrients
Leaves skin clean, exfoliated, replenished, nourished
Bright and Radiant!

Introducing the world's most powerful Skin Rejuvenation System
Skin Science that works!
Health Canada and FDA licensed!
Plasma-arc technology - high energy infrared wavelengths that can travel an inch below the skin's surface.
Delivered through a clear fused Quartz Crystal Plasma bulb which stimulates the mitochondria, naturally and safe.
Mitochondria is the battery charger of our cells.
You only have 73 Trillion of them! Imagine charging them all up.
Increased Collagen Production
Reduces Fine Lines & Wrinkles
Lightens Age Spots
Reverse Sun Damage
Reduce Fat Cell Size
Smoothes Hips, Thighs, and Buttocks
Reduce Scar Tissue
Increase Metabolism
Intensifies Lymphatic Drainage
Promotes Optimum Cell Function
Anti Aging on all levels
Feel your face and neck tighten, watch your thighs become thinner, reduce jelly belly, while you relax under the light.
This Plasma Light is Regenerative Medicine
Click the button below to view effective treatments for Medical Applications.

Vitamin-D Therapy
Ultraviolet (UV) phototherapy is the use of specific wavelengths of the sun’s natural spectrum for the treatment of photo-responsive skin disorders such as psoriasis, vitiligo, and eczema for the treatment of Vitamin D deficiency.
This phototherapy device creates short wavelength Ultraviolet-B (UVB) rays. UV light produces produces Vitamin D in human skin.

A naturally effective source of Vitamin D for general health, and especially for those with problems absorbing Vitamin D in the digestive system, caused by conditions such as:
Cystic Fibrosis • Kidney/Liver Disease • Bowel Resection Crohn’s Disease • Gastric Bypass Surgery Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) • Lyme Disease